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The Tsimshian meaning “People of the Sky” are characterized by their Totem poles and Potlatch feasts where wealth is amassed and distributed. Although years of assimilation have taken a tole in the preservation of Tsimshian culture, many families still continue on with such traditions by hosting community ceremonial feasts to “to punctuate name-giving, marriage, divorce, adoption and funerals” (Powell, 2012).

Descent was traced through the female line or matrilineal and based on a clan system. In 1988 the Tsimshian, on behalf of seven tribal bands the, Tribal Council was established to negotiate with the BC federal government.

Tsimshian Traditional Celebration

© 2013 by Bintou Barrow and Courtney Finamore for HIST4170 at the University of Guelph, ON.
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